一 、产品简介: I Product Introduction PC-500碱性蚀刻液为高速、高含铜量,针对细线路特别设计之电路板蚀刻液,药液稳定,且适合各种如锡、锡铅、镍、金等抗蚀刻材料。 PC-500 alkaline etching solution is specially designed for thin circuit, it has high velocity and high content of copper as well as stable property, and it is applicable for such anti-etching materials as tin, tin-lead, nickel and gold.
二、 产品优势 II Product Advantages 1、高稳定性,不会沉淀,维护容易; 1. High stability, no deposit and easy maintenance; 2、可调控高速蚀刻速率; 2. Adjustable etching velocity; 3、高铜含量; 3. High content of copper; 4、良好的水洗性; 4. Good washing ability; 5、可用自动添加方法控制生产; 5. Use automatic adding method to control production; 6、低侧蚀; 6. Low side-etching; 7、适合各种抗蚀刻材料。 7. Be applicable for various anti-etching materials;
三、操作条件 III Operating Conditions
操作条件 Operating Condition |
范围 Scope |
最适值 Optimum Value |
氯离子 Chloride ion |
170-200g/L |
180g/L |
铜含量 Copper content |
130-170g/L |
150g/L |
PH |
8.1-8.8 |
8.3-8.5 |
比重 Specific gravity |
1.19-1.230 |
1.215 |
温度 Temperature |
45-54℃ |
50℃ |
蚀刻速度 Etching velocity |
2.4-3.2米/分 |
依设备及温度而差异 Different according to equipment and temperature |
备注:连续生产时,须装冷冻设施 Remark: install freezing device for continuous production | 四、配槽方法 IV Preparetion Method 1、用水清洗后,排放完全再贯注清水,打开喷洒马达操作10分钟后排出槽内用水; 1. After cleaning with water, drain out all water and pour in clean water, open spraying motor to operate for 10 minutes and then drain out water in bath; 2、贯注5-10%稀盐酸、打开喷洒马达操作30分钟,再排掉所有槽内用水; 2. Pour in 5-10% diluted HCL, open spraying motor to operate for 30 minutes, and drain out all water in bath; 3、改用清洁水重复步骤(2),检查管路是否漏水; 3. Use clean water to repeat step (2) and check if the pipeline leaks water; 4、卸下所有喷嘴,浸渍于10%盐酸溶液中,清洗阻塞,装回喷嘴; 4. Disassemble all nozzles and dip them in 10% HCL solution to clean blocks and install the nozzles; 5、贯注5%氨水,打开喷洒马达操作30分钟,再排掉所有槽内用水; 5. Pour in 5% ammonia, open spraying motor to operate for 30 minutes and drain out all water in bath; 6、改用清洁水,重复步骤(5); 6. Use clean water to repeat step (5); 7、贯注母液,打开温度控制阀,检查PH、比重、氯离子、铜含量并确保在范围内,开始生产。 7. Pour in mother liquid, open temperature controlling valve, check PH, specific gravity, chloride ion and copper content, and make sure they are within scope, and then start production.
五、分析方法: V Analysis Method 氯含量分析: Analysis of Chlorine Content 1、取10mL PC-500(子、母)蚀刻液,置于250mL容量瓶中; 1. Take 10ml PC-500 (son, mother) etching liquid, and place it in a 250ml flask; 2、往容量瓶中加2~3mL氨水,用蒸馏水稀释至刻度; 2. Add 2-3ml ammonia in flask, and use distilled water to dilute it to scale; 3、从250mL容量瓶中吸取5mL溶液,放入250mL锥形瓶中,加100mL DI水; 3. Take 5ml solution from the 250ml falsk, and place it in a 250ml conical flask, and add 100ml DI water; 4、加1mL5%铬酸钾指示剂,另加5mL 2%醋酸,溶液变亮黄色; 4. Add 1ml 5% potassium chromate indicator, and add 5ml 2% acetic acid, the solution turns to be bright yellow; 5、 用标准0.1N硝酸银溶液滴定至微红棕色。 5. Use standard 0.1N silver nitrate for titration till the color becomes light reddish brown; 计算:氯含量(g /L)=17.75*(0.1N硝酸银溶液毫升数) Calculation: chlorine content (g/L) = 17.75* (ml of 0.1N silver nitrate solution)
铜含量分析: Analysis of Copper Content 1、取上述稀释PC-—500蚀铜液10mL,放入250 mL锥形瓶中; 1. Take 10ml diluted PC—500 etching solution and place it in a 250ml conical flask; 2、 加50 mL蒸馏水; 2. Add 50ml distilled water; 3、加氨水数滴至清亮深蓝色; 3. Add several drops of ammonia for titration till the solution becomes bright dark blue; 4、 加MX(紫脲酸胺)指示剂0.1克; 4. Add 0.1g MX (Murexide) indicator; 5、用标准0.1N EDTA溶液滴定至紫红色。 5. Use standard 0.1N EDTA solution for titration till the solution becomes carmine; 计算:铜含量(g /L)=15.885×V(0.1N EDTA溶液毫升量) Calculation: copper content (g/L) = 15.885×V(ml of 0.1N EDTA solution)
PH值测定: Measurement of PH Value 1、取200 mL药液于200mL烧杯中; 1. Take 200ml solution and place it in a 200ml beaker; 2、以4.0 和7.0 标准液校正PH计; 2. Use 4.0 and 7.0 standard solution to calibrate PH meter; 3、缓慢将PH电极放入烧杯中,准备读取PH计显示值为实测PH值。 3. Place PH pole slowly in beaker and read the value on PH meter as the measured value.
六、产品性质 VI Product Nature
品 名 Product name |
外 观 Appearance |
比 重 Specific Gravity |
P H |
氯 离 子 Cl ion |
PC-500 |
无色透明液体 Colorless transparent liquid |
1.03±0.02 |
9.3±0.3 |
180±20g/L | 七﹑安全防护 VII Safety Protection PC-500为碱性液体,使用时请佩戴眼罩、手套及穿安全防护衣。若药液不慎溅及皮肤、眼睛时应用大量清水清洗,严重者应立即就医诊治。 PC-500 is acid liquid, and when using it, please wear eyeshade, gloves and protective clothes; in case that solution spatters into eye or on skin, immediately flush with plenty of clean water and get medical treatment if necessary.
八、操作问题、原因及对策说明 VIII Description to Operating Problem, Reason and Policy
问题 Problem |
原因 Reason |
对策 Policy |
速度慢 Slow |
铜含量太高或太低 Copper content is too high or too low |
调整铜含量或控制器比重设定值 Adjust copper content or the set controller specific gravity |
温度过低 Temperature is too low |
升高温度 Increase temperature |
压力偏低 Pressure is low |
调整压力 Adjust pressure |
氯离子偏低 Chloride ion content is too low |
添加蚀刻盐 Add etching salt |
PH偏低 Low PH |
减少抽风量或添加氨水 Reduce induced draft or add ammonia |
打气不足 Insufficient blowing |
加大打气 Increase blowing |
侧蚀太大 Over side-etching |
PH太高 High PH |
增加抽风量或含铜量加水或氨水稀释 Increase induced draft or copper content, add water or ammonia to dilute |
压力太高 Pressure is too high |
降低压力 Reduce pressure |
速度太慢 Slow |
调整传送速度 Adjust transmittal velocity |
氯离子过高 Chloride ion content is too high |
加子液或加水 Add son solution or water |
铜厚度不均匀 Copper thickness is not average |
改善镀铜均匀度 Improve average of copper-plating |
沉淀 Deposit |
铜含量过高 Copper content is too high |
添加子液 Add son solution |
PH过低 Low PH |
添加氨水、减少抽风 Add ammonia and reduce induced draft |
氯离子太低 Chloride ion content is too low |
添加蚀刻盐 Add etching salt |
漏水 Leak water |
检查冷却管或水洗水渗漏 Check colling pipe or leakage of washing water |